Samuel Ryder Academy

St Albans


Samuel Ryder Academy
Drakes Drive
St Albans
Herts, AL1 5AR


M: 07949 979625
For the quickest reply please text through WhatsApp: 07949 979625 (Tuggy)  

Autumn Term 2024
Start Date : September 9th
Half Term : Monday Oct 28th - Sunday 3rd Nov
Term Ends : Sunday 15th December
Lessons : 13 Week Term
(£13 for a Group Lesson - £16 Parent & Toddler - £32 & £40 for 121/221 lessons)
Closed On THURSDAY 26th September.
Make up Lesson Thursday 19th December.

Spring Term 2025
Start Date : January 6th
Half Term : Feb 17th - 23rd
Term Ends : April 6th
Lessons : 12 week Term
(£13 for a group lesson - £16 Parent & Toddler - £35 & £45 for 121/221 lessons)


  1. All lessons must be paid for in advance
  2. A child’s place is booked and committed for the whole term; cancellation during the term will receive no refunds and cannot be made up or transferred. The charges set out are for a specified time and day, there will be no refunds given for cancellation, or absence whatever the reason. Any additional lessons will be charged at the normal rate.
  3. Any information given to Dolphin Swimming School, for example a child’s swimming ability or medical details will be assumed to be true and accurate, should this not be the case we will not be liable. It is the parent/carers responsibility to notify us of any illnesses, injuries or medical conditions likely to impede a child’s safety or ability to participate.
  4. We reserve the right to change times and locations for reasons beyond our control.
  5. It is the parent/carers responsibility for the cost of getting to and from the pool.
  6. We will provide swimming aids and equipment; a qualified A.S.A swimming teacher will be present for each group. During group lessons a minimum of one member of staff will be qualified as a lifeguard. Each lesson will be a maximum of 30 minutes.
  7. It is the parent/ carers’ responsibility to maintain their children’s safety prior to and after their lesson and to maintain the safety of other children in their care. Please keep children that are not attending classes away from poolside.
  8. Parents are requested not to use video or any type of camera/mobile phone in the changing rooms or poolside to comply with child protection.
  9. We will always try and ensure your child will have the same teacher for the term; however this is not always possible due to holidays and sickness. We run a continuous training program where we work with assistant teachers who act as floaters during the sessions and support the main teacher.

Parent and Baby/Toddler Classes

Babies have spent nine months floating in the womb, feeling warm, confident and more familiar then dry land. However, babies usually lose their confidence over time, and this confidence can even turn to fear. By starting your babies at a young age we can re-familiarise them with the water in our warm pool at Samuel Ryder Academy. Babies learn through repetitive teaching, word association, play and regular classes.

As part of the lesson we will include submersion which is an important part of introducing babies to the aquatic environment. Submersion is only done when both parent and baby are ready and when baby is prepared and involved in the fun.

We have specialist Parent and Baby classes that incorporate fun, confidence, socialising, bonding and basic water skills that can be used in later life.

The Scientific Part:

Swimming has been enjoyed since prehistoric times. For children, swimming not only helps to make them safer around water, it is wonderful for a child’s brain. New research shows that a baby’s brain develops through bilateral cross-patterning movements like the movements done in swimming. The more bilateral cross-patterning movements, the more nerve ?bers develop in the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is a tract of 200 million nerve fibers that connect the right and left hemispheres of the brain and facilitate communication, feedback and modulation from one side of the brain to the other. Cross-patterning movements such as swimming activate both cerebral hemispheres and all four lobes of the brain simultaneously, which can result in heightened cognition and increased ease of learning.

Scientific studies of young swimmers at the German Sport University Cologne have shown that early water-movement develops the child in three key areas: physically, mentally and emotionally. As compared with a control group which did not take year-round lessons, the children who swam consistently from infancy (3 months) were signi?cantly stronger and more coordinated when tested at 2, 3 and 4 years of age.

Emotionally, they were found to be more self-disciplined, with greater self-control and an increased desire to succeed. From consistent goal-setting and skill achievement in swimming, they rated higher in self-esteem. Finally, the children were more independent and comfortable in social situations than the control groups.

Scientific studies have shown participation in swimming classes helps to strengthen a child’s self-confidence and children who took part in swimming lessons from the age of 3 months to 4 years were better adapted to new situations and had better self-con?dence and independence than non-swimmers. In swimming classes, children cooperate within a social structure to take turns and share. This fosters a sense of belonging, which builds self-esteem and develops social confidence. More recent research has shown that swimming lessons for babies advanced their physical development. Studies show that baby swimmers developed better balance, movement and grasping techniques than non-swimmers. This di?erence persisted even when the children were 5 years old. So, whether your child wants to be an Olympian or just a safe, skilled swimmer, parents and educators can use this information to make sure aquatic training is given top priority and is recognized as an invaluable tool to their child’s learning experiences.

Contact us

Email: (Samuel Ryder Academy) (St Albans High School for Girls & QE Boys)

For the quickest reply please text through WhatsApp:
07949 979625 (Samuel Ryder Academy)
07368 193599 (St Albans High School for Girls & QE Boys)

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